By Bonnie Surber

We would contend that the best flavored popcorn shop is in downtown Edinburgh, Indiana – not Chicago or anywhere else for that matter. It’s called Not Just Popcorn, Etc. and it is a-MAIZ-ing! Inside this charming shop, the aroma of pop-ular popcorn flavors is so deliciously over-whelming, you’ll feel compelled to leave with enough bags of the fluffy snack to last for weeks.

The front entrance to Not Just Popcorn

A Corny Story – The Beginning

In 1989, Carole Buck purchased Not Just Popcorn and launched with just eight flavors. Over the next 30 years, she developed nearly 400 more varieties with loving dedication and pride.

Visiting the shop was a delightful experience! As you drove into town, you’d soon get a whiff of fresh popcorn. Then, when the shop came into view, the vintage atmosphere poured on the charm. As you entered the store, she would warmly greet you, strike up a friendly conversation and generously offer samples.

display at Not Just Popcorn in Edinburgh

Not Just Popcorn Etc. – Present Day

In late 2018, Carole Buck sold the shop. The new owners purchased all the original equipment, added the “Etc.” to the name and continue the popcorn tradition with all the recipes intact. They moved to the new location at 101 East Main Cross Street, still in downtown Edinburgh, across from the original shop. This lively location is spacious. It boasts a popcorn bar and a couple of tables and chairs for guests. Honoring its roots, the friendly and fun atmosphere remains, too.

Pop-in and Take a tour!

Scheduled in advance, the tours are a fascinating peek at the different production phases. These include growing, harvesting, popping, flavoring, cooling and packaging. Luckily for them, tour groups will get to actively participate in the taste-testing production step. Yum!

403 Flavors!

Over the years, 395 additional flavors have been developed. Some have come and gone, but some of the most unique flavors are orange creamsicle, cherry-cola, sauerkraut, ketchup, pepperoni and even lemon.

Some of the best-selling Pop-Stars are listed at the end of this story.

Buckle up butter cup! You won’t find a butter place for gourmet popcorn.

Go ahead! Pop the question.

Why did they name the shop Not Just Popcorn, Etc.? Well, don’t be corn-fused. In addition to selling all the popcorn varieties and group tours, they sell tin buckets with sports logos, corporate gifts, fund-raising programs, raw popcorn by the pound, microwave popcorn and even special event popcorn colors (graduations and weddings!) Even more, here is a kernel of truth you weren’t expecting. They sell ice cream too!

By now, you are probably corn-sidering visiting Not Just Popcorn, Inc. soon. We’ve got good news; they are open 7 days a week. Visit their about us page for hours. Each flavor can be purchased in-store or online. They ship everywhere and even have loyal international customers. For online purchasing, pop over to the shopping page.

popcorn flavors at Not Just Popcorn

A sampling of flavors available at Not Just Popcorn


Double Butter
Kettle Corn
Some might even say Caramel & Cheddar Mix is a traditional treat


Banana Split
Cookies & Cream
Monkey Bread
Patriotic Punch
Roaring Red Raspberry
Snicker Snack


Best Cheddar (They use real cheddar. There’s none cheesier!)
Buffalo Breath
Dill Pickle
Ghost Pepper
Vermont White Cheddar

While you are in town buying your carload of popcorn, check out local events, shopping, dining, and lodging.

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