Visitors center membership information
Become a member or renew today! Member benefits include:
- 15% discount on gift shop purchases
- Additional discounts in December for current members and those who join/renew before year-end
- Discounts on Chihuly Studio Edition Glass and Limited-Edition Prints
- Invitations to special events and lectures
Your membership gift to the Columbus Area Visitors Center supports education and allows staff to share the remarkable story of our community with local students and students visiting from around the Midwest.
The Visitors Center is a 501(c)(3) organization. Membership gifts are tax-deductible. Please make check payable to Columbus Area Visitors Center, 506 Fifth Street, Columbus IN 47201, and write “Membership” in memo line.
Step 1 : Complete Membership Registration
Fields with (*) are required
Step 2 : Send a check
Membership is $50, additional donations appreciated.
Organizational membership is $200.
Columbus Area Visitors Center.
Mailing Address: 506 5th Street, Columbus IN 47201
Indicate “membership” in memo line.
You may also call the gift shop at 812-378-2622
with your credit card payment.